Wednesday, May 11, 2011


If I knew than what I knew now many things would be a whole lot different. You live and learn and that is why people make mistakes. Making mistakes happens to everyone so most of the time it is no big deal. Growing up I have lived with only my mother and have a father I have not seen since I was little who does not pay child support at all. Growing up income in my household was not always what it was suppose to be. My mother had raised me very well and was able to maintain a job and pay for everything as a single parent. Now that I am older I go out more and do more things that are costly.

Clothes now a days are a lot more money and unfortunately it is not that easy to just go get a new outfit whenever I want even now. Getting a steady job should have been the first thing I did two years ago. I was old enough to be employed but i just did not want to work. Looking back at what I have now does not make me mad but it does make me realize that I should have kept the few jobs that I have had. If I have kept the job looking at it now I would have so much money saved up. Thankfully my mother has helped me throughout me not having a job but sometimes it makes me wana slap myself in the face for being so stupid.

Academically is another thing i would have give myself advice on. I never knew how hard it was to get into college and that grades were so important. Coming from a mom that was not so strict I was never push to do really good because not failing was okay in her book. Mostly maintain B's and some C's I managed to keep my grades up somewhat and than they finally rose. If I had did good since day one and actually tried a litle harder I know I could of done better. I am happy where I am at now at with the school I will be attending but it makes me realize If i did better I could have gone to my top school or accepted to some that I did not get in to.

SATS were a long and hard test. I took courses on them before the test and did not study. If I had studied my grade mostly would have been harder. The questions were the same type of equations and sentences that if I had studied I could have did better. I did not push myself as much as I could and that was my mistake. Also a main thing I would change is to stay in school sports freshman year I did three sports and they years after I slowly quit them all. I don't know exactly why I quit but now I regret it and wish I never did.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Personal privacy is very important to me at some times. I love to be around people and not be bored but there are times when privacy is needed. Getting my work done involves a lot of personal privacy for me. If I am trying to write a paper or simply just getting homework done I can not have any distractions for me to get the job done quickly and to its best potential. Over all I would say I am a people person and love to be out as much as possible. Even though there are those times when I am mad or annoyed when I need some privacy that does not happen that much.

When I am home alone I usually take that time for privacy. Sometimes I will clean my room, just watch a movie or hangout. No one is ever home at my house so I do have a lot of privacy all the time. This is why I probably don't need privacy that often, I already have it. Sleeping is another thing I do a lot when I have privacy it is just nice to have time to myself and sleep in peace.

Having private time to yourself can be nice especially after not having it since a long time. I do not feel the need for privacy all the time but I do enjoy the time I have by myself most of the time. I don't like to sit home for days so I would never need that much privacy. I love to go out have fun with my friends and do things out of the house. Staying in all the time gets really boring after a while.

Most of the time when I am mad or really stressed out I like to have privacy for a little while. I like to have the time to myself to clear my mind and forget about everything so I have nothing to worry about. Taking the time to forget about things always helps me. Personally privacy is not all that important to me as it may be to others. Other people may love privacy and need it for other reasons but I defiantly do not need it that often.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I do not think I am a big worrier. Sometimes small things make me worry like passing a test or being able to live a long life. I can remember going for my drivers test to get my license and that was a time I was really worried. Not knowing if i was going to pass worried be everyday for a while when it came close to the date to get my license. Passing the test was the most important thing to me. I did not want to be the one who failed or the one who could not do it. It took a lot of practice and constantly worried me but in the end it worked out.

I dont like worrying a lot it freaks me out. I feel like you should be able to live most of your life with out worries. Worrying about the small things in life can make anything stressful or a person and i dont like that. For the most part i try to keep calm with everything. If someone makes me mad i try not to worry aobut it because i know they can forgive me for the most part. There isnt a need to worry about most things that people do. Worrying can make you upset or interfere with other things.

In most cases I do not worry a lot on the other hand my family does. A lot of them are older and they worry about every little thing. I hope I am not like them because all worrying does is make them paranoid about everything!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Dreams never usually make sense to me. There are some dreams I have that I do not remember and some dreams that I have and  can remember every detail. Dreams that I remember do not happen often and I am not sure why. I do not feel like there is a reason to have to believe in dreams because I feel like it is just a story you have in your sleep. I have never dreamed of something that has happened to me. People that  I know like my friends and family have been in quite a few of my dreams but they are just so crazy dreams I have and most of the time I hope they will never turn out to happen in my lifetime.

I feel that dreams have something to do with symbols. The people in them can reflect you life and the types of dreams you have can be reflecting how you feel. I learned in class this year about dreams so I know the relations of dreams and why you have certain dreams. There are categories of them and those dreams where you feel like you are falling in your sleep usually mean you are not in the deepest stage of sleep yet.

The meanings of dreams do not all seem real to me. What the studies showed I feel are majority scenarios and I don't believe in them. I have had a few life related dreams but I don't think it has anything to do with life because there usually are crazy stories that don't seem to ever be real to happen in my life. Dreams sometimes scare me but when I wake up I have to realize they are not real. I don't usually have nightmares and I'm not sure why we have them ,if there is even a real reason but they do not relate to my life. If i see a scary movie sometimes I have a scary dream the next night but that doesn't mean anything to me. It relates to my life obviously because i was scared when i went to sleep but I don't seem to see a true meaning in it.

Dreams might have to do with issues or people in your life but i do not see reasoning of them because they stories are not the same. People and different problems may be in my dreams but they never are real life situations but are only based on whats around me. I am not sure what they all mean and I do not believe all researchers are as sure as they say. Polls could be asked about them but there is no way to tell that every ones dream relates to there life with symbols or meanings. Until the day I have one of my dreams completely come true I will continue to not believe in them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Forgiveness to me obviously means to forgive someone for doing something wrong. It is usually never easy to forgive someone but it does happen often with many people. Honest mistakes can easily be forgiven for but on the other hand more serious matter can take up a lot of time depending on the situation. Forgiving is alway an option but it is not always used. Forgiveness should not be practiced in any way. To forgive anyone is always for doing something bad or messing up so I believe it is not a good thing at all.

People make mistakes and that is why it is okay to forgive a lot of the times but not always. I have made mistakes and thankfully were forgiven for them so I know how it feels and take that into huge consideration whenever I have to forgive someone. I hold grudges so I do not always forgive. Being that I am a really nice person it is easy for me to forgive most of the time but not always. Somethings can slide with me but once you take it too far I do not forgive the person.

I have witnessed and pertaked in forgiveness. It is not a good thing but somethings it is something you have to do. Most of forgiving in certain cases is because it is what you want to do. Being lied to is my biggset dislike from people and it does happen often. I do forgive most of the time because sometimes it is something stupid but I never feel like there is a reason to lie.

I was not able to forgive when one of my closest friends talked a lot of crap about me. It is not okay to be so two faced and I guess it took time for me to realize that. I am very honest with my friends and i don't feel the need for them to lie to me or talk about me behind my back yes it happens but only to a certain extent. To talk about me all the time every day lie and say unnecessary stuff was not what I wanted in a friendship and in this case i did not forgive.

Cheating, lieing, stealing or ruining anything of mine is not possible for me to forgive a person. It is more about trust and that is all I like dealing with. Once i am lied to i never get back trust so i will not forgive the person. Some people are so two faced they forgive everyone for everything simply because they think they are better than everyone or just don't care. Many situations are serious and life has been becoming more valuable so I have no desire in putting up with any ones crap. We are graduating and if there is a reason for me to not forgive you so be it. I try to be all I can be most the time especially with my friends so when they do something to me it is so hard to forgive them.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Unfinished Business

It is senior year and this year has flew by way faster than I ever thought it would. I am now getting lazy and do feel like I have some unfinished business to take care of. My grades have dropped some what a lot since first marking period and that makes me upset. This last marking period my goal is to get better grades. I am not sure how that is going to work out being that i am so lazy and feel like this year should be over already. I am going to try my best but there is always a chance my grades could go down or the work could get harder.

My main unfinished business is getting my work completed on time. Deadlines come quicker than I assume and I really need to step it up. Handing in work late not only dropped my grade on the assignment but in most cases hurts my grade overall. Studying is another thing I have to work on. I feel like this year is dragging on and that I dont have to do anything anymore but in reality I do, it is a whole new marking period.

I have accomplished a lot throughout high school like making honor roll most the time and trying out new sports and clubs. In the end I realized the activities were not for me but at least I know I gave it a try. Trying is all I can do and now i know to try my best. This year is quickly coming to an end and I am scared and excited at the same time to go in the real world and be on my own. Getting up and going to class is going to be a problem because it even is now. I know I have to step it up and now work on all business throughout my life and espically school work.

College work is going to be harder but I know I can do it. Maybe stepping it up this forth marking period will prepare me more for next year well hopefully. I do not have much unfinished business but as we know everyone is not perfect and there is always going to be something you could have tried harder at or worked harder for. Taking your time and eagerness helps a lot and that is what you want to do and if you want something bad enough you can do it no matter how much it takes.

Getting work done is my main problem and hopefully my next weakness will be something different and i will overcome this. Working hard is a life learn lesson and I am going to do my best to suceed at it. I am going to try to thingk positive and get all of my unfinished business done earlier so I have time to perfect it or even just get better at it. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Getting a job is something that every teenager when they reach a certain age should get. However it is not as easy as it seems and having a job is never fun. Going to work every day or almost everyday can be annoying and stop you from doing many things you want to do like go out with your friends, hang with your family or even have some time to yourself. When i was 15 years old i got my first job but it was volunteer work. It defiantly sucked so much working and not getting paid but overall i would say it was a good experience.

Over the years I have had two steady jobs and they were both at a restaurant. The restaurant business was not for me and it was annoying having to serve people all the time especially the rude ones. Not making a lot of tips during the week because of slow business started to get old and I did not want my first job anymore the boss was a fanatic and I would get yelled at for just putting too much ice in a cup. He was not a good boss and he gave more hours to these girls that did drugs which made me mad.

I finally quit that job and moved on to another restaurant and pizzeria. I loved this place the people were so nice and i even became good friends with the people working there and still talk to them until this day. It was nice to meet other people and to work with them was always a good time. Besides waitressing I would get some counter days to work and it was personally a lot better than waitressing. After almost a year of working there i realized that the tips I was making was not worth the work I put into this place. With the crappy economy, slow business and too many waitresses put on schedule it was hard to ever catch a good amount of money a night.

Week nights were always very slow and a waste of time. I used to sit there and do my homework most the time or help the Mexicans cook. You were not aloud to call out the day of work even if you were sick. Two week notice was told to be in guaranteeing you had off which did not always happen. One time around Halloween  I got a really bad cold and needed to call out. This was not okay with the boss even when the doctor gave me a note to be out of school and work. They gave me such an attitude about it and made me come in the first day. I did not think it was fair and that really made me mad. I always came to work and did my best and they would not let me stay home, it didn't make sense to me.

After i finally went into work they sent me home only a half hour early it was the crappiest day and I could barley stay awake at work. They still wanted me to come in that week and I did not understand why. They saw how sick I was and did not care which i did not understand because i always worked with food. I did not want to be sneezing or having to blow my nose all the time and serve customers. That was bad on their part and that is when i eventually quit. Now i still don't have a job but am currently looking for a summer one I hope they are more understanding and the people are just as nice. I would rather have fun at work and be busy so I could make money and the time would go by quick. Hopefully i get a job soon.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A walk in someone else's shoes

There are many people you meet throughout your lifetime. Out of everyone you know friends, family, or even famous people who would you pick to be for a day if you could. Why would you pick this person? Is it because they have the dream job you want, live in a gorgeous house or something else? Think about talking a walk in their shoes. What would be everything you accomplished as being this person for just one day. 

Write about this person and something about them. Where they grew up, who they are to you and why they are so important to experience a day in their shoes.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Understanding Death

Death is a very hard thing to forget about. Everybody dies to live and that sometimes makes me wonder why we are all hear today. Personally I have not had to deal with many close deaths in my family but there has been quite a few. Close family or friends dying to you is never an easy. thing. I am not sure the reason why die but i can assume it's the nature of life. Making room for new people can be a reason why we die but I believe there has to me something more to the reason of death.

Obviously I am not sure what happens when we die because I am still living but from what I have learned I believe in reincarnation. I have attended church for quite a few years and have experience learning the back round of it. Unfortunately I am not sure if I will ever know what happens after we die but I can only go by what I have learned over years.There simply could be nothing after death but I guess I will not know until it happens.

However as being reincarnated I do not believe you come back as something different as far as a plant or animal if you are a human being. I believe you'd come back some how the same and live a different life all over again with new family. Therefore being I believe there is an afterlife we well all live at some extent whether it is being reincarnated or living just with your soul. Life has so many meaning and you do so many things it life I would hate to believe that there is nothing more to it after you die.

Death is something I am scared of and I am sure many other people are. Everyone believes in something different and I hope we get to figure out what happens to us and live again which is what i believe in now. Living to die most likely never make sense to me but maybe we well all eventually be able to figure it out once it happens to us which would be really cool.

Death is a normal human experience. Friends, family others and just people you know die throughout your life and it is something we all have to overcome. I try to live my life to the fullest so I can get everything accomplished that I wanted throughout my life because you never know when your time could be. So as far as I know I try to live for today and not think about death. It is not something people handle very well and it is not an exciting thing at all. It is a natural way of life and a big step to overcome but it happens to everyone the best thing to do is live to the fullest and never spear a dull moment.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Room as a Reflection of Self

My room I would say totally defines me. It has everything I like in it and I try to keep it as neat as possible. There are times when my rooms gets a mess and when it happens it annoys me. It reflects my personally when it annoys me because I like everything to be neat and organized. Besides keeping my room neat I have everything i love in my room, a nice television many pictures of my friends and family and all the accessories I need. Having a big closet is defiantly one thing I love about my room. I have so many clothes to keep in order and my big closet is a great place for them.

I spend a lot of time in my room and it is always a relaxing place. I can watch tv, do homework or even go on my lap top and just have time to myself which sometimes is needed. When I have a long day I always look forward to coming home and laying in my bed. I don't share my room with anybody but it always open to all my friends and family. I am a very caring person and if anyone needed anything they know they always have a place to stay in my room. My friends are over and in my room a lot but there is always room for all of them. I share my room when i need to and it is always a place for them.

For the most part i try to keep my room neat and tidy but in some ocassions it does not always work. When I do not know what to wear in the morning or if I am in a rush I usually throw my stuff around and leave it on the floor so I can get ready real quick because i usually dont have the time to put it away. When my room is messy i cant keep it messy for long, it annoys me. So i usually clean it within that day or the next day. There are a few times when my room has been a disaster but i try to keep it as clean as possible all the time with no messes.

Besides having all pictures of things i love in my room I have many other objects around my room that reflects my personality. This cross that i got when i was a baby is hanging up on my wall and has been here ever since. I am not very religious but it does show that i do believe in god and that it was an appreciated gift i have received. My room explains me and it is one of a kind.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Design a Curriculum

If i could design my own curriculum for a classroom I would change it up a bit. I would still have the normal classes like English and Math be part of the curriculum but I would also add some classes that could help you with college. For example this classes could include skills on living on your own, testing skills, and help with common college applying. Most classes are important later on in you careers but in some cases they are not. For the classes like art and digital media for example would not be important for someone who wants to be an English teacher. I would not make this classes part of the curriculum because they are not necessary to many but I would still allow them to have the option whether or not they wanted to take them.

To make sure basic skills of every class were taught I would still keep the main classes in the curriculum. English is a class that you can learn many things from as well as math and you can always use it later on in life. Math is something you need to know when shopping or even doing bills for your house payments or bills of any type. As far as science and history classes id only make it a minimum two year class in the curriculum. They basic for those to studies are not much and I feel that a two year requirement would be a perfect amount of time to learn the basics.

To make sure that every student in the school learned to read and write I would assign at least one weekly test or quiz on any reading they have done throughout that week. Discussions in class could help them understand what they were reading and as far as writing we would practice a lot. Journals, blogs, or essays could frequently be assigned and help them with their writing skills. Learning grammar and  different types of vocabulary would be a good way to help them improve higher writing skills and learn more words.

Day to day schedules would be all classes. IN my curriculum I would allow students to leave for lunch everyday with a signature of permission from their parents that was signed at the begging of the year. Eating cafeteria food every day gets old and personally I do not think the food is that good. Lunch periods would be extended like they use to be so students would have time to leave and I would leave the same time amount for each class period. If anyone needed extra help I would have assigned one teacher of each subject to stay after a day each week to help any student in need of help that way there is always help provided. Homework i feel is need so that you can practice what you learn and I would defiantly make sure it was assigned three to four times a week in each class. Homework is always a pain but practice makes perfect and it is a great way for kids to find there mistakes and learn how to do certain problems.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Wisdom can mean many different things to different people. To me wisdom means that a person fully understands most of what they are learning. Understanding what you know can help you later on in life. In your work field or even with completing college wisdom can be a helpful trait. Wisdom could be getting all A's on a report card as well as graduating with a Ph.D. Everybody achieves different goals and tasks in life and use their own preference of wisdom. Some people are not as smart as others but everyone has wisdom in some ways.

Wisdom can be used with the experience of different things. People learn in different ways and can also know more about one thing then another person. When using wisdom you think deeply about what you are learning or doing and make the best choices in what you are taking part in. On average people think of wisdom as being smart. I believe everyone has an opportunity to use wisdom and make choices in what way they choose to do or achieve.

Wisdom may approach people and all different ways. Learning from others, reading materials or even picking up a lot of information for school can teach you many things. Personally most of my wisdom i believe comes from life experiences and interaction with others. Making mistakes is a good way to learn right from wrong and can really bring out some peoples wisdom by correcting them.

I know many people that are wise. I have seen them be smart alacs because they know what there talking about and use a lot of sarcasm. I feel that wise people can either make it far in life or live life with a lot of haters. Some people use here wiseness  as a insult to people and can often make them feel dumb constantly. I do not think that is right because everyone uses some type of wisdom in their own way. Being old most certainly means your wise. You have lived so many years, had many experiences and know a lot about past history. Everyone should be considered wise when there old because in reality the most truly are.

I would say the United States presidents would have to be some of the wisest people. Not only have they had a lot of experiences being that they have to met the age requirements but they  have to deal with so many issues and always have to have an intelligent answer for the world to hear.Issues on many countries affect them and without proper and the best knowledge our world would not be what it is today. I would say there are really wise as well as teachers most kids have today.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Having a job in the real world is most defiantly a necessity today. Whether it is working at a fast food place like McDonald's or working in some type of office or business it is important to have money coming in even at a young age. Everything today involves money so where would we be without it. Every job is important because without money you can not get what you want an eventually be able to live on your own. I think some peoples jobs are more important than someone else because when you have a job you are assigned to do you own thing and people work in different fields. The presidents might be more important because he has to run the whole country but either way everyone that has a job should be doing the right thing and getting their job done doe the most part.

By the salaries people make you can most likely determine how hard they work. Every job has its own importance and if your making good money you should be doing everything right. Unfortunately that is not the case for some people but everyone lives a different life style and it is ok to be different. As long as you spend your money on the right things for example not drugs every money making job is a great thing. Working sucks but it is something everyone should be doing in the lifetime. Working can be hard, take up a lot of time and be annoying but it is somthing you have to do.

Being president would be the most important job in the world. You have to take care of eveything in the country and make sure everything is going good. Even though he's job would be more important than any others as well as his police officers have a great importance in their job. Stopping crimes, solving them and getting to scences on time seems like a hard and sometimes scary job. Knowing that you can have a gun on you as well as have to use it makes you an imporant person in society especially because you have to help and save others. As well as making sure laws arent being broken it must be a very hard job for them.

A doctors job is also very important. Haivng someone elses life in your hands is something that is a big risk doctors take. Sugeries and the chance of many complications in your hands is something you have to be really careful about. They take big risks by being this title and have to go through a lot of school to work as a doctor but there is always the chance of loosing someones life. I give doctors a lot of props for being able to do their job and I also think it is one important job. Even though they are making money it must be stressful just like any other job could be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love, Defined

Love sometimes can not be described. When you love somebody or something you do not want to live with out it, that is my definition of love. When you are happier then ever with anything in the world you might love you will always be smiling when you are with it and you will never want to loose it. Love might smell like something if it is for chocolate but other wise I do not seem to think of human to human love having a scent.

Being in love can refer to many different things people, food and items. Sometimes I don't believe that the person is necessarily looking for it. Many things in life seem to come expectantly and to me love if one of those. A person can find love anywhere from a store to simply being at a restaurant eating dinner.

For example somebody might love a sport like soccer. They may have grown up playing it or even have played on a team for many years and love the sport. If you love a sport you would be dedicated to it and make it your number one priority. To real your goal in a sort your truly have to love it and put all your hard work into it.

Love may be easy to get for some and harder for others. I love my family and I would do anything for them. It was easy for me to love them because they were always there for me ever since I was little. It may be harder for others to love their family because they may have not always been there and were not so supportive.

Anyone has the chance to love something. If you love something you will set your heart out for it and it will come to you no matter what it is. Getting rid of love is something that I believe happens a lot. People grow out of things and can get sick of them and eventually grow apart from what ever they love. I used to love dancing and I grew up dancing for a few years. When I got older and had a lot more responsibilities I grew out of loving to go to dance all the time and eventually grew about from it. Now a days I still like dancing but it is something i grew apart from but will always have interest in.

If you love something you will always have something for it; activity, a person, or thing will always mean something to you. Because you grew apart from it does not mean you got rid of it because you wanted to. It can mean that it was just time for a change and it is ok because everything happens for a reason. Love can be described different from other people but everyone has their own perspectives and this is what I seen so far.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Risks Taken

I have taken many risks throughout my life so far. My life may no be many years long so far like my parents but I am sure when I grow older there will be many more that I have taken. The biggest risk that I believe I have taken so far in my lifetime is taking my moms car and driving it around with no license. It seemed like a really fun idea but in the long run I didn't realize how serious the consequences were. I however did not get caught but until this day i believe it was not the right thing to do. It would not of been worth it to get caught and in trouble by my mom.

Taking risks in my opinion may not be the smartest thing. If you are risking something if anything at all especially your life then it might not be such a smart idea. There is small risk's I have taken like not study for a test i have the next day but luckily i always seem to get by . If I did not take this risk with studying before a test my grade would most defiantly be higher. My grades are not bad but I should stop taking those risks because next year in college its going to be a heck of a lot harder.

All risks that a person make take in life are most likely no going to come out well. If you have to think twice about doing something I do not think it be any ones best interest to do it. Yes everyone is going to take risks sometimes throughout their life times but they should always know to do what is best for them. Taking risks can always be fun but then they can also suck and not turn out well. Sometimes the risks you take many not be worth it and that is why many people regret them. You should live your life with no regrets and taking risks can easily fall into that category in a persons life

Being that there is many types of risks there is always something somebody can do to get into trouble or as some people may say live life on the edge. Personally I do not go by that saying but unfortunately there are many people that do. People live by different rules and all grow up in different ways with different people. Because of that many people go by different views of life and some are those who want to live there life on the edge. Once you hit a certain age you know right from wrong so if you are willing to take any risks you should know whether or not it will turn out well. People are still going to take many risks but as long as they know the results from what they are willing to risk they should be able to make their own decisions on whether or not to do it. Failure is not an option to me but from what I have viewed throughout my life is that it is an option to many.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

State of the Union

I feel like our country as it is today is not as great as it could be. Obama in my opinion is an okay president but I feel like there are some changes that could be made. I agree with his great decision to stop sending troops to Iraq, but I feel like that is not the only problem in our society. Unemployment is a really big problem in our country today. I think it is unfair for people to loose their jobs because of the bad economy. Many people have kids and other people to take care of as well as keep a job. For them to loose a job must really hurt many families and can put them in great debt. Now a days it is not the easiest thing to find a job and it is ridiculous that all of these people are loosing there jobs. I am not sure if there is much Obama can do about this but I feel like he needs to work to do something about it.

For example 40 percent of the police population in Camden, New Jersey one of the worst towns for crime just got laid off. Not only is it going to hurt those families but it will most likely hurt those in the town as well. Besides people getting laid off I feel like another major problem is the school systems. This year Central Regional has change a lot that I feel like was unnecessary. If we cannot pass our budget especially after more then a few years , I do not think it is write to be able to pass a referendum for solar panels when we cannot afford to get anything new for our school. The heat in our school barely works therefore many students as well as me wear there jackets all day in school. This does not seem right to me and I am sure some other schools have problems with this. My question is why is it ok for this? I sit in school freezing all day when I should be able to sit comfortably in class and be able to learn and do my work. 

Overall as a country I feel like we can be doing much better. The school problem that I am worried about may me a minor problem in out country today but people loosing there jobs gets to me every time.I feel like it is not a major issue to the president of coarse because he would most likely not loose his not but he should start worrying about a lot of people in the society. Money now a days is so valuable and its is a really crappy thing to think about my family loosing there jobs, I can only imagine how it feels for many families. 

As president Obama does his job everyday I think he feels like he is doing a very good job. I would not say he is doing a bad job but he can strive harder. Money, economies, war and all of these problems may never end but there is something someone can do to make it a little better and right now the most important person too fix this right now is Obama.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Memory Lane

My most remembered memory is when i was growing up I have met my best friend that I have now known ever since I was three. I met her at my aunts house, they were her new neighbors that had moved in. Excited to see there was another girl to hang out with that was my age we always hung out and became best friends which we still are today. My best childhood memories are with her and I'm sure we still have many more to come.

One day we were hanging out at her house and her mom told us she was going to get a puppy. About a week later i went with her to get the puppy. Driving in the car for around three hours seemed like forever. We finally got there and got to see the puppy, it was a baby pug and it was so cute. It was a boy and they named it Buster! So excited they took the puppy home and I got to go with them. When we got back to her house we had so much fun playng with the puppy. After a while we decided to take him for his first walk and it turned out to be a bad idea.

Taking the puppy for a walk seemed like a cool fun idea. We started walking up the street and all of a sudden a huge dog came threw his screen door because he saw the puppy and chased us. As I was stupidly running away I feel on the street. The dog and my friend Gianna were ok but I wound up cutting a huge hole in my knee and needing to get stitches.

I will never forget this day because I am scared of needles. When I went to the hospital and was told i defiantly needed stitches I started crying. Getting stitches was a really horrible thing for me I was so scared. The huge needle they put in my open wound hurt so bad and looked so big almost like and epidural needle. After the stitches I had to walk with a limp for a while and I remember I forgot how to walk for a while and was walking like a freak for quite a while after that.

Besides that horrible moment I have many memories with my friend. We learned how to ride bikes without training wheels together, been on many vacations and always have had many good times and hopefully there are still many to come. I will always remember these memories and she will always be my best friend. The greatest memory would be meeting her at such a young age and still being friends she is always there for me and  I am always there for her no matter what. I am happy to have her as my best friend.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Historial Time

History is something very intresting that we learn about in school. A particular time I would like to go back to is the dinosaur ages. This was millions of years ago and it is weird to think that at one time there were no humans and instead there were these huge dinsaurs. Dinosaurs being all different sizes , even stories high seem like very intresting animals. They hatched from eggs and the majority of them were huge. At this time back in history they ruled the Earth.

Mainly being found in North America dinosaurs colors were never really determined by scientist. I would like to go back in this time so I could make my own ovservations on them and see what it was like with these huge animals on Earth. Being that they can live  up to around 150 years old, I could only imiagine how big they could get.

While I was there I would try to see and learn about all the different types of dinosaurs. They all became extinct around 65 million years ago and now all we have to know about them is the information from scientist. Scientist know more then I do but they were not able to know everything because they were not alive around that time. All they have for evidence on dinosaurs is there fossils and their tracks. New information can always be found about dinosaurs and this is why I would like to go back in these times to get the real facts.

Besides learning about the dinosaurs I would definatly take a lot of pictures so I could show people. In the fossils that have footprints and tooth marks that is how scientists were able to determine more about the dinosaur. During this age Pangea was all of the contients put together and that would also something I would like to explore millions of years ago. I also think it is really col that no humans were alive around the time dinosaurs were on Earth. Id like to be one human to see them.

All the different types of dinosaurs would be an amazing cite too see. From really small dinosaurs to the huge ones stories high I think i would be scared of them but think it would be awesome to see. With them being herbivores and carnivores I would be able too experience more about there life. Most dinosaurs walking on two legs would be something different to see because now a days animals that have four legs usually walk on all four. Now that they are all extinct it sucks that we cannot not ahve the chance to go back it that time and learn about them.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Balance of Nature

Nature is an important part of many people's life. Personally nature is not a big deal for me but learning about it sometimes is cool. There are so many different things in nature to learn about. I like learning about the different things you can do out in the nature. There are many cites that also have historical meaning and that is what i enjoy learning about.

When I was younger I always used to visit Berkeley Island and Catus Island park and see all different types of nature. Through my experiences there I have got to see the balance of nature. Animals cannot surviving nature without the balance of anything else especially food. Most animals eat other animals out in nature or plants. If there was no other plants or animals in nature nature would not be balanced. Without nature being balance those animals would no be able to survive.

For the most part I believe nature is pretty balanced today. Plants and animals seem to have a very balanced part in nature now a days. With the plants being the food animals eat and animals also eating other animals for survival there part in nature seems like it is pretty balanced.  The natural world is also balanced. As far as the weather it seems to maintain crops and outdoor life. Without thoose bad rainstorms we get every once in a while the nature around us would not be the way it is today.

Human beings do balance out nature but sometimes I do not think they do it the right way. Littering is a big part that I think humans unbalance in nature. It destorys nature and cant harm some parts of it for example kill animals. Humans balancing nature involves them working in the outdoors teaching other about it and also caring about what is around them.

The balance of nature in my opinion is when populations depend on each other in the environment. If something goes wrong in the environment then there should be something else to keep it balanced. If there is not food like plants or other animals for animals to eat then the nature is not balanced. When there is climate changes in the weather for example global warming sometimes it balances out the environment.

When nature is undistrubed it seems to leave nature at more of a balances. When nature is destroyed like littering it does not help the enviornment. When the waste products are used by others it eaquals out the ecosystem but however that is not always the case. Balancing of nature also consits of living things and forces in the natural world. The size of population also matters and can determine whether it is balanced or not. Keeping nature balanced today might not be as easy as it used to be but I think humans are trying to do the best they can to keep nature as balanced as they can.