Sunday, April 10, 2011

Unfinished Business

It is senior year and this year has flew by way faster than I ever thought it would. I am now getting lazy and do feel like I have some unfinished business to take care of. My grades have dropped some what a lot since first marking period and that makes me upset. This last marking period my goal is to get better grades. I am not sure how that is going to work out being that i am so lazy and feel like this year should be over already. I am going to try my best but there is always a chance my grades could go down or the work could get harder.

My main unfinished business is getting my work completed on time. Deadlines come quicker than I assume and I really need to step it up. Handing in work late not only dropped my grade on the assignment but in most cases hurts my grade overall. Studying is another thing I have to work on. I feel like this year is dragging on and that I dont have to do anything anymore but in reality I do, it is a whole new marking period.

I have accomplished a lot throughout high school like making honor roll most the time and trying out new sports and clubs. In the end I realized the activities were not for me but at least I know I gave it a try. Trying is all I can do and now i know to try my best. This year is quickly coming to an end and I am scared and excited at the same time to go in the real world and be on my own. Getting up and going to class is going to be a problem because it even is now. I know I have to step it up and now work on all business throughout my life and espically school work.

College work is going to be harder but I know I can do it. Maybe stepping it up this forth marking period will prepare me more for next year well hopefully. I do not have much unfinished business but as we know everyone is not perfect and there is always going to be something you could have tried harder at or worked harder for. Taking your time and eagerness helps a lot and that is what you want to do and if you want something bad enough you can do it no matter how much it takes.

Getting work done is my main problem and hopefully my next weakness will be something different and i will overcome this. Working hard is a life learn lesson and I am going to do my best to suceed at it. I am going to try to thingk positive and get all of my unfinished business done earlier so I have time to perfect it or even just get better at it. 

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