Wednesday, May 11, 2011


If I knew than what I knew now many things would be a whole lot different. You live and learn and that is why people make mistakes. Making mistakes happens to everyone so most of the time it is no big deal. Growing up I have lived with only my mother and have a father I have not seen since I was little who does not pay child support at all. Growing up income in my household was not always what it was suppose to be. My mother had raised me very well and was able to maintain a job and pay for everything as a single parent. Now that I am older I go out more and do more things that are costly.

Clothes now a days are a lot more money and unfortunately it is not that easy to just go get a new outfit whenever I want even now. Getting a steady job should have been the first thing I did two years ago. I was old enough to be employed but i just did not want to work. Looking back at what I have now does not make me mad but it does make me realize that I should have kept the few jobs that I have had. If I have kept the job looking at it now I would have so much money saved up. Thankfully my mother has helped me throughout me not having a job but sometimes it makes me wana slap myself in the face for being so stupid.

Academically is another thing i would have give myself advice on. I never knew how hard it was to get into college and that grades were so important. Coming from a mom that was not so strict I was never push to do really good because not failing was okay in her book. Mostly maintain B's and some C's I managed to keep my grades up somewhat and than they finally rose. If I had did good since day one and actually tried a litle harder I know I could of done better. I am happy where I am at now at with the school I will be attending but it makes me realize If i did better I could have gone to my top school or accepted to some that I did not get in to.

SATS were a long and hard test. I took courses on them before the test and did not study. If I had studied my grade mostly would have been harder. The questions were the same type of equations and sentences that if I had studied I could have did better. I did not push myself as much as I could and that was my mistake. Also a main thing I would change is to stay in school sports freshman year I did three sports and they years after I slowly quit them all. I don't know exactly why I quit but now I regret it and wish I never did.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Personal privacy is very important to me at some times. I love to be around people and not be bored but there are times when privacy is needed. Getting my work done involves a lot of personal privacy for me. If I am trying to write a paper or simply just getting homework done I can not have any distractions for me to get the job done quickly and to its best potential. Over all I would say I am a people person and love to be out as much as possible. Even though there are those times when I am mad or annoyed when I need some privacy that does not happen that much.

When I am home alone I usually take that time for privacy. Sometimes I will clean my room, just watch a movie or hangout. No one is ever home at my house so I do have a lot of privacy all the time. This is why I probably don't need privacy that often, I already have it. Sleeping is another thing I do a lot when I have privacy it is just nice to have time to myself and sleep in peace.

Having private time to yourself can be nice especially after not having it since a long time. I do not feel the need for privacy all the time but I do enjoy the time I have by myself most of the time. I don't like to sit home for days so I would never need that much privacy. I love to go out have fun with my friends and do things out of the house. Staying in all the time gets really boring after a while.

Most of the time when I am mad or really stressed out I like to have privacy for a little while. I like to have the time to myself to clear my mind and forget about everything so I have nothing to worry about. Taking the time to forget about things always helps me. Personally privacy is not all that important to me as it may be to others. Other people may love privacy and need it for other reasons but I defiantly do not need it that often.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I do not think I am a big worrier. Sometimes small things make me worry like passing a test or being able to live a long life. I can remember going for my drivers test to get my license and that was a time I was really worried. Not knowing if i was going to pass worried be everyday for a while when it came close to the date to get my license. Passing the test was the most important thing to me. I did not want to be the one who failed or the one who could not do it. It took a lot of practice and constantly worried me but in the end it worked out.

I dont like worrying a lot it freaks me out. I feel like you should be able to live most of your life with out worries. Worrying about the small things in life can make anything stressful or a person and i dont like that. For the most part i try to keep calm with everything. If someone makes me mad i try not to worry aobut it because i know they can forgive me for the most part. There isnt a need to worry about most things that people do. Worrying can make you upset or interfere with other things.

In most cases I do not worry a lot on the other hand my family does. A lot of them are older and they worry about every little thing. I hope I am not like them because all worrying does is make them paranoid about everything!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Dreams never usually make sense to me. There are some dreams I have that I do not remember and some dreams that I have and  can remember every detail. Dreams that I remember do not happen often and I am not sure why. I do not feel like there is a reason to have to believe in dreams because I feel like it is just a story you have in your sleep. I have never dreamed of something that has happened to me. People that  I know like my friends and family have been in quite a few of my dreams but they are just so crazy dreams I have and most of the time I hope they will never turn out to happen in my lifetime.

I feel that dreams have something to do with symbols. The people in them can reflect you life and the types of dreams you have can be reflecting how you feel. I learned in class this year about dreams so I know the relations of dreams and why you have certain dreams. There are categories of them and those dreams where you feel like you are falling in your sleep usually mean you are not in the deepest stage of sleep yet.

The meanings of dreams do not all seem real to me. What the studies showed I feel are majority scenarios and I don't believe in them. I have had a few life related dreams but I don't think it has anything to do with life because there usually are crazy stories that don't seem to ever be real to happen in my life. Dreams sometimes scare me but when I wake up I have to realize they are not real. I don't usually have nightmares and I'm not sure why we have them ,if there is even a real reason but they do not relate to my life. If i see a scary movie sometimes I have a scary dream the next night but that doesn't mean anything to me. It relates to my life obviously because i was scared when i went to sleep but I don't seem to see a true meaning in it.

Dreams might have to do with issues or people in your life but i do not see reasoning of them because they stories are not the same. People and different problems may be in my dreams but they never are real life situations but are only based on whats around me. I am not sure what they all mean and I do not believe all researchers are as sure as they say. Polls could be asked about them but there is no way to tell that every ones dream relates to there life with symbols or meanings. Until the day I have one of my dreams completely come true I will continue to not believe in them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Forgiveness to me obviously means to forgive someone for doing something wrong. It is usually never easy to forgive someone but it does happen often with many people. Honest mistakes can easily be forgiven for but on the other hand more serious matter can take up a lot of time depending on the situation. Forgiving is alway an option but it is not always used. Forgiveness should not be practiced in any way. To forgive anyone is always for doing something bad or messing up so I believe it is not a good thing at all.

People make mistakes and that is why it is okay to forgive a lot of the times but not always. I have made mistakes and thankfully were forgiven for them so I know how it feels and take that into huge consideration whenever I have to forgive someone. I hold grudges so I do not always forgive. Being that I am a really nice person it is easy for me to forgive most of the time but not always. Somethings can slide with me but once you take it too far I do not forgive the person.

I have witnessed and pertaked in forgiveness. It is not a good thing but somethings it is something you have to do. Most of forgiving in certain cases is because it is what you want to do. Being lied to is my biggset dislike from people and it does happen often. I do forgive most of the time because sometimes it is something stupid but I never feel like there is a reason to lie.

I was not able to forgive when one of my closest friends talked a lot of crap about me. It is not okay to be so two faced and I guess it took time for me to realize that. I am very honest with my friends and i don't feel the need for them to lie to me or talk about me behind my back yes it happens but only to a certain extent. To talk about me all the time every day lie and say unnecessary stuff was not what I wanted in a friendship and in this case i did not forgive.

Cheating, lieing, stealing or ruining anything of mine is not possible for me to forgive a person. It is more about trust and that is all I like dealing with. Once i am lied to i never get back trust so i will not forgive the person. Some people are so two faced they forgive everyone for everything simply because they think they are better than everyone or just don't care. Many situations are serious and life has been becoming more valuable so I have no desire in putting up with any ones crap. We are graduating and if there is a reason for me to not forgive you so be it. I try to be all I can be most the time especially with my friends so when they do something to me it is so hard to forgive them.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Unfinished Business

It is senior year and this year has flew by way faster than I ever thought it would. I am now getting lazy and do feel like I have some unfinished business to take care of. My grades have dropped some what a lot since first marking period and that makes me upset. This last marking period my goal is to get better grades. I am not sure how that is going to work out being that i am so lazy and feel like this year should be over already. I am going to try my best but there is always a chance my grades could go down or the work could get harder.

My main unfinished business is getting my work completed on time. Deadlines come quicker than I assume and I really need to step it up. Handing in work late not only dropped my grade on the assignment but in most cases hurts my grade overall. Studying is another thing I have to work on. I feel like this year is dragging on and that I dont have to do anything anymore but in reality I do, it is a whole new marking period.

I have accomplished a lot throughout high school like making honor roll most the time and trying out new sports and clubs. In the end I realized the activities were not for me but at least I know I gave it a try. Trying is all I can do and now i know to try my best. This year is quickly coming to an end and I am scared and excited at the same time to go in the real world and be on my own. Getting up and going to class is going to be a problem because it even is now. I know I have to step it up and now work on all business throughout my life and espically school work.

College work is going to be harder but I know I can do it. Maybe stepping it up this forth marking period will prepare me more for next year well hopefully. I do not have much unfinished business but as we know everyone is not perfect and there is always going to be something you could have tried harder at or worked harder for. Taking your time and eagerness helps a lot and that is what you want to do and if you want something bad enough you can do it no matter how much it takes.

Getting work done is my main problem and hopefully my next weakness will be something different and i will overcome this. Working hard is a life learn lesson and I am going to do my best to suceed at it. I am going to try to thingk positive and get all of my unfinished business done earlier so I have time to perfect it or even just get better at it. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Getting a job is something that every teenager when they reach a certain age should get. However it is not as easy as it seems and having a job is never fun. Going to work every day or almost everyday can be annoying and stop you from doing many things you want to do like go out with your friends, hang with your family or even have some time to yourself. When i was 15 years old i got my first job but it was volunteer work. It defiantly sucked so much working and not getting paid but overall i would say it was a good experience.

Over the years I have had two steady jobs and they were both at a restaurant. The restaurant business was not for me and it was annoying having to serve people all the time especially the rude ones. Not making a lot of tips during the week because of slow business started to get old and I did not want my first job anymore the boss was a fanatic and I would get yelled at for just putting too much ice in a cup. He was not a good boss and he gave more hours to these girls that did drugs which made me mad.

I finally quit that job and moved on to another restaurant and pizzeria. I loved this place the people were so nice and i even became good friends with the people working there and still talk to them until this day. It was nice to meet other people and to work with them was always a good time. Besides waitressing I would get some counter days to work and it was personally a lot better than waitressing. After almost a year of working there i realized that the tips I was making was not worth the work I put into this place. With the crappy economy, slow business and too many waitresses put on schedule it was hard to ever catch a good amount of money a night.

Week nights were always very slow and a waste of time. I used to sit there and do my homework most the time or help the Mexicans cook. You were not aloud to call out the day of work even if you were sick. Two week notice was told to be in guaranteeing you had off which did not always happen. One time around Halloween  I got a really bad cold and needed to call out. This was not okay with the boss even when the doctor gave me a note to be out of school and work. They gave me such an attitude about it and made me come in the first day. I did not think it was fair and that really made me mad. I always came to work and did my best and they would not let me stay home, it didn't make sense to me.

After i finally went into work they sent me home only a half hour early it was the crappiest day and I could barley stay awake at work. They still wanted me to come in that week and I did not understand why. They saw how sick I was and did not care which i did not understand because i always worked with food. I did not want to be sneezing or having to blow my nose all the time and serve customers. That was bad on their part and that is when i eventually quit. Now i still don't have a job but am currently looking for a summer one I hope they are more understanding and the people are just as nice. I would rather have fun at work and be busy so I could make money and the time would go by quick. Hopefully i get a job soon.