Sunday, March 6, 2011

Design a Curriculum

If i could design my own curriculum for a classroom I would change it up a bit. I would still have the normal classes like English and Math be part of the curriculum but I would also add some classes that could help you with college. For example this classes could include skills on living on your own, testing skills, and help with common college applying. Most classes are important later on in you careers but in some cases they are not. For the classes like art and digital media for example would not be important for someone who wants to be an English teacher. I would not make this classes part of the curriculum because they are not necessary to many but I would still allow them to have the option whether or not they wanted to take them.

To make sure basic skills of every class were taught I would still keep the main classes in the curriculum. English is a class that you can learn many things from as well as math and you can always use it later on in life. Math is something you need to know when shopping or even doing bills for your house payments or bills of any type. As far as science and history classes id only make it a minimum two year class in the curriculum. They basic for those to studies are not much and I feel that a two year requirement would be a perfect amount of time to learn the basics.

To make sure that every student in the school learned to read and write I would assign at least one weekly test or quiz on any reading they have done throughout that week. Discussions in class could help them understand what they were reading and as far as writing we would practice a lot. Journals, blogs, or essays could frequently be assigned and help them with their writing skills. Learning grammar and  different types of vocabulary would be a good way to help them improve higher writing skills and learn more words.

Day to day schedules would be all classes. IN my curriculum I would allow students to leave for lunch everyday with a signature of permission from their parents that was signed at the begging of the year. Eating cafeteria food every day gets old and personally I do not think the food is that good. Lunch periods would be extended like they use to be so students would have time to leave and I would leave the same time amount for each class period. If anyone needed extra help I would have assigned one teacher of each subject to stay after a day each week to help any student in need of help that way there is always help provided. Homework i feel is need so that you can practice what you learn and I would defiantly make sure it was assigned three to four times a week in each class. Homework is always a pain but practice makes perfect and it is a great way for kids to find there mistakes and learn how to do certain problems.

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