Sunday, February 27, 2011


Wisdom can mean many different things to different people. To me wisdom means that a person fully understands most of what they are learning. Understanding what you know can help you later on in life. In your work field or even with completing college wisdom can be a helpful trait. Wisdom could be getting all A's on a report card as well as graduating with a Ph.D. Everybody achieves different goals and tasks in life and use their own preference of wisdom. Some people are not as smart as others but everyone has wisdom in some ways.

Wisdom can be used with the experience of different things. People learn in different ways and can also know more about one thing then another person. When using wisdom you think deeply about what you are learning or doing and make the best choices in what you are taking part in. On average people think of wisdom as being smart. I believe everyone has an opportunity to use wisdom and make choices in what way they choose to do or achieve.

Wisdom may approach people and all different ways. Learning from others, reading materials or even picking up a lot of information for school can teach you many things. Personally most of my wisdom i believe comes from life experiences and interaction with others. Making mistakes is a good way to learn right from wrong and can really bring out some peoples wisdom by correcting them.

I know many people that are wise. I have seen them be smart alacs because they know what there talking about and use a lot of sarcasm. I feel that wise people can either make it far in life or live life with a lot of haters. Some people use here wiseness  as a insult to people and can often make them feel dumb constantly. I do not think that is right because everyone uses some type of wisdom in their own way. Being old most certainly means your wise. You have lived so many years, had many experiences and know a lot about past history. Everyone should be considered wise when there old because in reality the most truly are.

I would say the United States presidents would have to be some of the wisest people. Not only have they had a lot of experiences being that they have to met the age requirements but they  have to deal with so many issues and always have to have an intelligent answer for the world to hear.Issues on many countries affect them and without proper and the best knowledge our world would not be what it is today. I would say there are really wise as well as teachers most kids have today.

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