Sunday, April 3, 2011


Getting a job is something that every teenager when they reach a certain age should get. However it is not as easy as it seems and having a job is never fun. Going to work every day or almost everyday can be annoying and stop you from doing many things you want to do like go out with your friends, hang with your family or even have some time to yourself. When i was 15 years old i got my first job but it was volunteer work. It defiantly sucked so much working and not getting paid but overall i would say it was a good experience.

Over the years I have had two steady jobs and they were both at a restaurant. The restaurant business was not for me and it was annoying having to serve people all the time especially the rude ones. Not making a lot of tips during the week because of slow business started to get old and I did not want my first job anymore the boss was a fanatic and I would get yelled at for just putting too much ice in a cup. He was not a good boss and he gave more hours to these girls that did drugs which made me mad.

I finally quit that job and moved on to another restaurant and pizzeria. I loved this place the people were so nice and i even became good friends with the people working there and still talk to them until this day. It was nice to meet other people and to work with them was always a good time. Besides waitressing I would get some counter days to work and it was personally a lot better than waitressing. After almost a year of working there i realized that the tips I was making was not worth the work I put into this place. With the crappy economy, slow business and too many waitresses put on schedule it was hard to ever catch a good amount of money a night.

Week nights were always very slow and a waste of time. I used to sit there and do my homework most the time or help the Mexicans cook. You were not aloud to call out the day of work even if you were sick. Two week notice was told to be in guaranteeing you had off which did not always happen. One time around Halloween  I got a really bad cold and needed to call out. This was not okay with the boss even when the doctor gave me a note to be out of school and work. They gave me such an attitude about it and made me come in the first day. I did not think it was fair and that really made me mad. I always came to work and did my best and they would not let me stay home, it didn't make sense to me.

After i finally went into work they sent me home only a half hour early it was the crappiest day and I could barley stay awake at work. They still wanted me to come in that week and I did not understand why. They saw how sick I was and did not care which i did not understand because i always worked with food. I did not want to be sneezing or having to blow my nose all the time and serve customers. That was bad on their part and that is when i eventually quit. Now i still don't have a job but am currently looking for a summer one I hope they are more understanding and the people are just as nice. I would rather have fun at work and be busy so I could make money and the time would go by quick. Hopefully i get a job soon.

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