Sunday, May 1, 2011


I do not think I am a big worrier. Sometimes small things make me worry like passing a test or being able to live a long life. I can remember going for my drivers test to get my license and that was a time I was really worried. Not knowing if i was going to pass worried be everyday for a while when it came close to the date to get my license. Passing the test was the most important thing to me. I did not want to be the one who failed or the one who could not do it. It took a lot of practice and constantly worried me but in the end it worked out.

I dont like worrying a lot it freaks me out. I feel like you should be able to live most of your life with out worries. Worrying about the small things in life can make anything stressful or a person and i dont like that. For the most part i try to keep calm with everything. If someone makes me mad i try not to worry aobut it because i know they can forgive me for the most part. There isnt a need to worry about most things that people do. Worrying can make you upset or interfere with other things.

In most cases I do not worry a lot on the other hand my family does. A lot of them are older and they worry about every little thing. I hope I am not like them because all worrying does is make them paranoid about everything!

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