Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Having a job in the real world is most defiantly a necessity today. Whether it is working at a fast food place like McDonald's or working in some type of office or business it is important to have money coming in even at a young age. Everything today involves money so where would we be without it. Every job is important because without money you can not get what you want an eventually be able to live on your own. I think some peoples jobs are more important than someone else because when you have a job you are assigned to do you own thing and people work in different fields. The presidents might be more important because he has to run the whole country but either way everyone that has a job should be doing the right thing and getting their job done doe the most part.

By the salaries people make you can most likely determine how hard they work. Every job has its own importance and if your making good money you should be doing everything right. Unfortunately that is not the case for some people but everyone lives a different life style and it is ok to be different. As long as you spend your money on the right things for example not drugs every money making job is a great thing. Working sucks but it is something everyone should be doing in the lifetime. Working can be hard, take up a lot of time and be annoying but it is somthing you have to do.

Being president would be the most important job in the world. You have to take care of eveything in the country and make sure everything is going good. Even though he's job would be more important than any others as well as his police officers have a great importance in their job. Stopping crimes, solving them and getting to scences on time seems like a hard and sometimes scary job. Knowing that you can have a gun on you as well as have to use it makes you an imporant person in society especially because you have to help and save others. As well as making sure laws arent being broken it must be a very hard job for them.

A doctors job is also very important. Haivng someone elses life in your hands is something that is a big risk doctors take. Sugeries and the chance of many complications in your hands is something you have to be really careful about. They take big risks by being this title and have to go through a lot of school to work as a doctor but there is always the chance of loosing someones life. I give doctors a lot of props for being able to do their job and I also think it is one important job. Even though they are making money it must be stressful just like any other job could be.

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