Saturday, November 6, 2010


If I had to pick one family member for public office as a president I would pick my uncle Larry. He is a very smart man and knows a lot about the history of our world. He is now in his 60’s so he has experienced a lot. He did not attend college however it didn’t seem as important as it is now a days especially for future life time careers. When he was little he took care of his siblings so he has some back round being able to work with others. His first job where as taking off those items for example sugar off of ships. He did that for many years. His brother unfortunately that he was very close with had died in the army but he had taught him so much about the army and he always tells me stories.

I choose him for office because he knows a lot bout our country and is always committed to get the job done when he receives a task. He does not like just sitting around either so he would always do something productive for us like set up meetings for various things , prevent us from going to war the best as possible even though that’s something that might never happen, and try to get every one involved and make our world a better place to live in.

Economically I think he would try to help out too. With everyone loosing their jobs therefore putting them in debt is a very depressing thing too see. I could see him helping a lot of those people out by maybe allowing them to work in his office. He also knows many people in different places so he could always talk to them and help some people out with jobs after all when you know some body you usually have an in with a job which I have experienced already.

Also another big thing I think he would do is fight to keep the age at 18 for allowing teens to go to war. If that is something you want to do then that should be your choice. This is not an everyday issue but I believe it is going to come up soon enough in our society and the president is going to have to have a say or do something about it. I defiantly would see him making in big in our country as a president because I feel like he has all of the qualities you would need as a president. He is not lazy has good interpersonal skills and would be very devoted to our country. He would not single any body out and he would do his best to help everybody in different ways even those in Africa that are starving, sick or even in the need of parents. I believe my uncle would be a great president.

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