Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Arguments vs discourse

Personally I hate arguing but somehow there is always arguing whether it is with my group of friends of my mother. I think it is pointless and the fact that the Greeks used to stand in public areas and do it for fun makes no sense to me. Unless there is a logic reason to argue over lies or known facts I think it is dumb. I argue all the time with poeple but it is never worth it. There are disagreements a lot and I am pretty sure that is what causes the arguing. Espically when I know I am right and someone tries to prove me wrong somehow that always turns into an argument.

If one person loves the president and another hates the him I would not say that they are enemies. I would classify it as they just have different opinions on the topic. Them argueing might happen because of their differences but I do not think that they are enemies. It seems that when they are arguing over different opinions they get so mad because they always think they are right. I know when I think or know I am right and someone tries to prove me wrong in an argument it makes me mad. It is just a natural reaction to get tense and mad when you feel your opinion is the better one.

When an argument is debated I feel that sometimes the point is always not getting acrossed or the other person is not even listening to what you are saying. When that happens and i get ignored or talked over I know that makes me mad. Usually when people do not get the last word in or their best opinion in it can cause future arguments or people walking away unhappy and I believe that is why people in this case walk away steaming.

There is different types of ways to settle disputes but as for rules I do not believe they would work in an argument. Each side thinks they are right and are gonna do their best to prove the other person wrong. Even though I do not think rules should work I think they would be a really good idea. I know in past arguments I havent gotten everything in that I have needed to say and it makes me mad. A rule that I feel would be a perfect one would be to let everyone have a chance to talk and not get intreupting. You never know maybe you think you are 100 percent right but then you took the chance to listen to another person and realized that maybe they had a good point.

Overall I think arguing is really stupid and it stinks that it is a big part in lifetime. You live and learn and thoose little arguments now in high school might only get worse. I have learned over the years to keep to myself now and I try my best. There is still going to me numerous arguments but i try my best to stay out of them.

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