Saturday, October 2, 2010

Noticing Driver's Behaivor

There a few different types of drivers that I have observed since I have started driving. I have had my license since March so it has only been about 7 months and I have experienced a lot. People that drive cars a lot of the times seem like reckless drivers. I have seem many people texting and driving, cutting people off, people speeding and just driving like idiots. I am not the best driver but I do believe there is differences between drivers. There are good and bad drivers and also careless drivers and very cautious drivers. A good drivers usually goes the speed limit take a lot of caution while on the road and for example yield to pedestrians, which is the law. A good driver would never drink and drive which is most defiantly the right think to do. Bad drivers drive recklessly don’t pay attention and usually get distracted a lot. As for the cautious drivers would be good drivers and careless drivers would be bad drivers.

I have seen some pretty crazy things while I was driving. When I was driving home from Toms River I seen a car run through a red light and crash right into the car that was coming the other way turning onto the road I was on. I was the first car at the light after the guy blew the light and thank god I didn’t get hit it was very scary. I’ve seen many other crazy things but I will always remember this one. I don’t really see many people doing kind things while driving but it is always nice. The most I have seen people do was helping when there was an accident and people taking a minute out of their time to let a car pull out or get onto the main road when there was a lot of traffic.

Personally I have never been in an accident with another car but when I first got my license I hit the gas instead of the break hopped a curb in front of my house and ran into the street pole. The pole fell on my car my back window came out the trunk was broke and I had to get the whole back of the car fixed and it took forever. When this happened I didn’t know what to do I didn’t even put the car in park after this happened I just ran out of the car. It was a total accident and a mistake and I try the best I can to be more careful now especially when backing up.

Overall I am not the worst driver but I have tried to improve. I used to text and drive and now I avoid it because I have realized the consequences. I eventually want to be a good driver, always do the speed limit and never break the law. Accidents happen and I hope I never get into one. Seeing accidents with damage and injuries involving accidents really scares me. When I am in control of the wheel I don’t want to be a careless driver because even thought you are doing fine the car behind you might not be paying attention and can easily cause an accident. Driving is a scary thing and I hope that I can get better and always be able to pay attention while I am in control.

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