Sunday, October 24, 2010

Being Alone

Being alone is not something that bothers me, when I am alone I feel like I am getting more things done. Studying and cleaning my room for example are a lot easier to do when I am by myself and I feel like I get it done faster. Homework is something I need to do when I am alone because I get distracting easily when being around others so therefore I always have some alone time everyday. Besides going to school I have been working at the same restaurant for almost a year now and I am around different people there almost everyday. I don’t mind the people that are nice but sometimes it is nice to get away and have alone time especially after dealing with them all day. When I get out of work my mom is rarely home so I have a chance to be alone before I go to sleep or whatever which I enjoy.

At different times it is always nice to be alone but there are still those time when its nice to be with your friends. I always make time for myself when I need too so that I always have room for those times when I need to be alone and mostly when I have things to do. I try to be very organized so there are not many times when I need to be alone to do things. I personally don’t like being alone driving in the rain or walking outside at night it scares me for some reason.

Usually when I am alone I am feeling perfect but they are occasionally those times when I am upset and it is not going good. I always like to be busy so when I am alone I am never bored and find something to do. Looking up colleges and doing school work seems to take up a lot of my alone time for now.

I would have to say I just started being pretty good with being alone. The first time I stayed home by myself the door bell rang and I was petrified, which had scared me for quite a while. Turns out that it was only my basketball coach dropping off my trophy but at the time I did not know what to do, I wound up not even answering the door. Overall I am now okay with being home alone finally. As far as being alone and having time for myself I think I manage my time pretty good. I like being alone and times and sometimes I don’t so I am pretty much in the middle.

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