Sunday, October 31, 2010

What is WIld

The word wild means quite a few things to me. The few main meanings that come to my mind when I think of the word wild are those wild animals, wild reckless crazy people, and the wild life outside as in different locations. There are many different wild animals and over the years mainly in mt science classes I have learned many different things about them. Most wild animals I have learned about seem to have become extinct or has had a population that has now decreased. Basically they are wild because they do everything on their own. They also never have been tamed by a human and that is immediately why I think of the world wild when I refer to these animals. Growing up with no guidelines as in rules or a parental guidance to teach you the right thing way to do things shows why they are the way they are. The way these animals make it threw their life is quite interesting because they do it all on their own. This would not make me want to go see one of them in the wilderness but I think it is really cool that they live in the wild with no rules and are able to survive for pretty long periods of time.

Wild life/ wilderness is an interesting part of the environment to me. A wilderness place is usually a huge area filled with different types of animals, places, and things. It is usually an un protected area left the way it was in its natural condition. Humans have never been in these areas most of the time because they are dangerous. If a human was to go to a wilderness place they might be crazy or wild themselves.

People are also crazy reckless and wild. Wild people tend to grow up in a different way from others. They either party all the time, never obey rules or do what they want all the time. That is my definition of a wild person and I feel like if a person is constantly wild they might not make it as far in life. If you don’t have priorities and are constantly wild without following rules they most likely will never learn. Growing up is where you experience many new things, experiencing them as a wild person can get you in a lot of trouble and doing everything on your own without those rules to guide you can make a person wild.

Wild things can happen anywhere even in our own town. Crimes for example is one wild thing I have heard about around here in New Jersey recently. I think it makes no sense for someone to take play in a crime because in the end nine out of ten times they get caught. I feel if a person is going to do something wild that they should look into it before they do it but then again they are not going to do so. If they are wild then they do what they want without a care in the world anyways. Wild means so many things and that is what wild is for me.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Being Alone

Being alone is not something that bothers me, when I am alone I feel like I am getting more things done. Studying and cleaning my room for example are a lot easier to do when I am by myself and I feel like I get it done faster. Homework is something I need to do when I am alone because I get distracting easily when being around others so therefore I always have some alone time everyday. Besides going to school I have been working at the same restaurant for almost a year now and I am around different people there almost everyday. I don’t mind the people that are nice but sometimes it is nice to get away and have alone time especially after dealing with them all day. When I get out of work my mom is rarely home so I have a chance to be alone before I go to sleep or whatever which I enjoy.

At different times it is always nice to be alone but there are still those time when its nice to be with your friends. I always make time for myself when I need too so that I always have room for those times when I need to be alone and mostly when I have things to do. I try to be very organized so there are not many times when I need to be alone to do things. I personally don’t like being alone driving in the rain or walking outside at night it scares me for some reason.

Usually when I am alone I am feeling perfect but they are occasionally those times when I am upset and it is not going good. I always like to be busy so when I am alone I am never bored and find something to do. Looking up colleges and doing school work seems to take up a lot of my alone time for now.

I would have to say I just started being pretty good with being alone. The first time I stayed home by myself the door bell rang and I was petrified, which had scared me for quite a while. Turns out that it was only my basketball coach dropping off my trophy but at the time I did not know what to do, I wound up not even answering the door. Overall I am now okay with being home alone finally. As far as being alone and having time for myself I think I manage my time pretty good. I like being alone and times and sometimes I don’t so I am pretty much in the middle.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Music is something I really enjoy in my life, it is not just a back round noise. There are many different types of music and I like almost all of them. Sometimes music helps me get through the day. I love listening to it and singing even though I suck. Different music’s show importance, meanings and can also reflect cultures. I take music with me everywhere I go, I always have my ipod and I try to update it frequently. I listen to it in school when I have free time, when I go to the gym, in my car and sometimes when I am out. When I have a lot of work to do music makes me concentrate so I try to listen to it a lot. Hearing different styles of music is always interesting.

Inspiration also comes from music. Depending on what type , most have a meaning emotionally. It is important to me and it has helped me and people in multiple ways. If you are getting ready for a big game it can help you get pumped up if you listen to it before it. There is also the break up and love songs that everyone enjoys listening to and can effect people it different ways. It is always good to be able to relate to a song, it always makes it more interesting.

Music sometimes can and does distract me but it is always very important. When I am studying I don’t find it important to listen to music because it is a time to remember things. When I am doing work by myself it is always nice to listen to music it keeps me from getting distracted by other people and keeps me focused on getting my work finished.

Different types of music rock, pop, hip hop, country, and jazz have been here for over hundreds of years. If it was not important and enjoyable to so many people music would not be coming out as much. There are many new artist and still many good old songs to listen to. When you go out it is always nice to hear different types of music and what other people listen to. If they are a different culture it has different meaning and is interesting to me to learn about it.

I am always open to listen to different types of music. I don’t not have a favorite type of music because a lot of songs are interesting and have life learning meanings. When I was younger I learned quite a few things from music. For example the alphabet. It was a easy way for me to remember it as a kid and I will always remember the song. It is always fun to dance to music at proms and weddings. There is never a dull moment and it is always a memorable time with different types of music. Music can have a lot of power and soul and that is why I believe it is so important to me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Relationship With the Phone

My phone is like my best friend. I take it everywhere I go; to work, school, my friends house. I have a blackberry so not only can I use my phone for communication but I can also search the web on it and use it as my personal calendar. The alarm clock on my phone is what wakes me up in the morning so it is always by my side when I go to sleep. Text messaging is mostly what I use my phone for. I get calls and call people sometimes but I find myself text messaging much more. I can also download many things on my phone or listen to music which is very convenient because I feel like my phone is all I need.

I can also play games on my phone which is very nice. For example when I’m in a doctors office waiting two hours to get called in I can just use my phone and play a game or multiple games to pass time. I would not say I spend hours on my phone but it is nice to always be there when I need it to pass time, communicate or look something up.

My cell phone is also is good to use as a GPS. When I go out of area to a relatives house or a new shopping center I always use it. It is very helpful and tells me where to go and nine out of ten times gets me there with out a problem.

Living without my cell phone might be something that would be a little annoying at first since I am so used to having it. I would be able to live with out my phone especially since I didn’t get a phone until I was in seventh grade and lived with out with until then. When my mom was little cell phones weren’t even invented yet and they all made it through so I believe I can. I wouldn’t want not want to have one for emergency reasons when I am driving. If I ever get in an accident or a flat tire and need help it would be much easier and faster to get help.

There is so many different things I use my phone for it would really stink with out it. When my phone dies and I am in the middle of using it it drives me crazy. I always try to keep it charged because I use it so much. Once I dropped my phone in sauce and couldn’t get a new one for days my old one was completely ruined, it was so annoying to contact everyone and almost impossible to get in touch with them sometimes. I couldn’t imagine the network closing for six months yes I would live and not having a phone because I use it everyday would be horrible.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Noticing Driver's Behaivor

There a few different types of drivers that I have observed since I have started driving. I have had my license since March so it has only been about 7 months and I have experienced a lot. People that drive cars a lot of the times seem like reckless drivers. I have seem many people texting and driving, cutting people off, people speeding and just driving like idiots. I am not the best driver but I do believe there is differences between drivers. There are good and bad drivers and also careless drivers and very cautious drivers. A good drivers usually goes the speed limit take a lot of caution while on the road and for example yield to pedestrians, which is the law. A good driver would never drink and drive which is most defiantly the right think to do. Bad drivers drive recklessly don’t pay attention and usually get distracted a lot. As for the cautious drivers would be good drivers and careless drivers would be bad drivers.

I have seen some pretty crazy things while I was driving. When I was driving home from Toms River I seen a car run through a red light and crash right into the car that was coming the other way turning onto the road I was on. I was the first car at the light after the guy blew the light and thank god I didn’t get hit it was very scary. I’ve seen many other crazy things but I will always remember this one. I don’t really see many people doing kind things while driving but it is always nice. The most I have seen people do was helping when there was an accident and people taking a minute out of their time to let a car pull out or get onto the main road when there was a lot of traffic.

Personally I have never been in an accident with another car but when I first got my license I hit the gas instead of the break hopped a curb in front of my house and ran into the street pole. The pole fell on my car my back window came out the trunk was broke and I had to get the whole back of the car fixed and it took forever. When this happened I didn’t know what to do I didn’t even put the car in park after this happened I just ran out of the car. It was a total accident and a mistake and I try the best I can to be more careful now especially when backing up.

Overall I am not the worst driver but I have tried to improve. I used to text and drive and now I avoid it because I have realized the consequences. I eventually want to be a good driver, always do the speed limit and never break the law. Accidents happen and I hope I never get into one. Seeing accidents with damage and injuries involving accidents really scares me. When I am in control of the wheel I don’t want to be a careless driver because even thought you are doing fine the car behind you might not be paying attention and can easily cause an accident. Driving is a scary thing and I hope that I can get better and always be able to pay attention while I am in control.