Sunday, February 27, 2011


Wisdom can mean many different things to different people. To me wisdom means that a person fully understands most of what they are learning. Understanding what you know can help you later on in life. In your work field or even with completing college wisdom can be a helpful trait. Wisdom could be getting all A's on a report card as well as graduating with a Ph.D. Everybody achieves different goals and tasks in life and use their own preference of wisdom. Some people are not as smart as others but everyone has wisdom in some ways.

Wisdom can be used with the experience of different things. People learn in different ways and can also know more about one thing then another person. When using wisdom you think deeply about what you are learning or doing and make the best choices in what you are taking part in. On average people think of wisdom as being smart. I believe everyone has an opportunity to use wisdom and make choices in what way they choose to do or achieve.

Wisdom may approach people and all different ways. Learning from others, reading materials or even picking up a lot of information for school can teach you many things. Personally most of my wisdom i believe comes from life experiences and interaction with others. Making mistakes is a good way to learn right from wrong and can really bring out some peoples wisdom by correcting them.

I know many people that are wise. I have seen them be smart alacs because they know what there talking about and use a lot of sarcasm. I feel that wise people can either make it far in life or live life with a lot of haters. Some people use here wiseness  as a insult to people and can often make them feel dumb constantly. I do not think that is right because everyone uses some type of wisdom in their own way. Being old most certainly means your wise. You have lived so many years, had many experiences and know a lot about past history. Everyone should be considered wise when there old because in reality the most truly are.

I would say the United States presidents would have to be some of the wisest people. Not only have they had a lot of experiences being that they have to met the age requirements but they  have to deal with so many issues and always have to have an intelligent answer for the world to hear.Issues on many countries affect them and without proper and the best knowledge our world would not be what it is today. I would say there are really wise as well as teachers most kids have today.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Having a job in the real world is most defiantly a necessity today. Whether it is working at a fast food place like McDonald's or working in some type of office or business it is important to have money coming in even at a young age. Everything today involves money so where would we be without it. Every job is important because without money you can not get what you want an eventually be able to live on your own. I think some peoples jobs are more important than someone else because when you have a job you are assigned to do you own thing and people work in different fields. The presidents might be more important because he has to run the whole country but either way everyone that has a job should be doing the right thing and getting their job done doe the most part.

By the salaries people make you can most likely determine how hard they work. Every job has its own importance and if your making good money you should be doing everything right. Unfortunately that is not the case for some people but everyone lives a different life style and it is ok to be different. As long as you spend your money on the right things for example not drugs every money making job is a great thing. Working sucks but it is something everyone should be doing in the lifetime. Working can be hard, take up a lot of time and be annoying but it is somthing you have to do.

Being president would be the most important job in the world. You have to take care of eveything in the country and make sure everything is going good. Even though he's job would be more important than any others as well as his police officers have a great importance in their job. Stopping crimes, solving them and getting to scences on time seems like a hard and sometimes scary job. Knowing that you can have a gun on you as well as have to use it makes you an imporant person in society especially because you have to help and save others. As well as making sure laws arent being broken it must be a very hard job for them.

A doctors job is also very important. Haivng someone elses life in your hands is something that is a big risk doctors take. Sugeries and the chance of many complications in your hands is something you have to be really careful about. They take big risks by being this title and have to go through a lot of school to work as a doctor but there is always the chance of loosing someones life. I give doctors a lot of props for being able to do their job and I also think it is one important job. Even though they are making money it must be stressful just like any other job could be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love, Defined

Love sometimes can not be described. When you love somebody or something you do not want to live with out it, that is my definition of love. When you are happier then ever with anything in the world you might love you will always be smiling when you are with it and you will never want to loose it. Love might smell like something if it is for chocolate but other wise I do not seem to think of human to human love having a scent.

Being in love can refer to many different things people, food and items. Sometimes I don't believe that the person is necessarily looking for it. Many things in life seem to come expectantly and to me love if one of those. A person can find love anywhere from a store to simply being at a restaurant eating dinner.

For example somebody might love a sport like soccer. They may have grown up playing it or even have played on a team for many years and love the sport. If you love a sport you would be dedicated to it and make it your number one priority. To real your goal in a sort your truly have to love it and put all your hard work into it.

Love may be easy to get for some and harder for others. I love my family and I would do anything for them. It was easy for me to love them because they were always there for me ever since I was little. It may be harder for others to love their family because they may have not always been there and were not so supportive.

Anyone has the chance to love something. If you love something you will set your heart out for it and it will come to you no matter what it is. Getting rid of love is something that I believe happens a lot. People grow out of things and can get sick of them and eventually grow apart from what ever they love. I used to love dancing and I grew up dancing for a few years. When I got older and had a lot more responsibilities I grew out of loving to go to dance all the time and eventually grew about from it. Now a days I still like dancing but it is something i grew apart from but will always have interest in.

If you love something you will always have something for it; activity, a person, or thing will always mean something to you. Because you grew apart from it does not mean you got rid of it because you wanted to. It can mean that it was just time for a change and it is ok because everything happens for a reason. Love can be described different from other people but everyone has their own perspectives and this is what I seen so far.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Risks Taken

I have taken many risks throughout my life so far. My life may no be many years long so far like my parents but I am sure when I grow older there will be many more that I have taken. The biggest risk that I believe I have taken so far in my lifetime is taking my moms car and driving it around with no license. It seemed like a really fun idea but in the long run I didn't realize how serious the consequences were. I however did not get caught but until this day i believe it was not the right thing to do. It would not of been worth it to get caught and in trouble by my mom.

Taking risks in my opinion may not be the smartest thing. If you are risking something if anything at all especially your life then it might not be such a smart idea. There is small risk's I have taken like not study for a test i have the next day but luckily i always seem to get by . If I did not take this risk with studying before a test my grade would most defiantly be higher. My grades are not bad but I should stop taking those risks because next year in college its going to be a heck of a lot harder.

All risks that a person make take in life are most likely no going to come out well. If you have to think twice about doing something I do not think it be any ones best interest to do it. Yes everyone is going to take risks sometimes throughout their life times but they should always know to do what is best for them. Taking risks can always be fun but then they can also suck and not turn out well. Sometimes the risks you take many not be worth it and that is why many people regret them. You should live your life with no regrets and taking risks can easily fall into that category in a persons life

Being that there is many types of risks there is always something somebody can do to get into trouble or as some people may say live life on the edge. Personally I do not go by that saying but unfortunately there are many people that do. People live by different rules and all grow up in different ways with different people. Because of that many people go by different views of life and some are those who want to live there life on the edge. Once you hit a certain age you know right from wrong so if you are willing to take any risks you should know whether or not it will turn out well. People are still going to take many risks but as long as they know the results from what they are willing to risk they should be able to make their own decisions on whether or not to do it. Failure is not an option to me but from what I have viewed throughout my life is that it is an option to many.