Sunday, December 19, 2010


If I had a plane ticket to anywhere in the world I would pick to go to Italy. I am almost one hundred percent Italian and a lot of my family that I do not know lives there. My grandmother came off a ship straight form Italy to come to America many years ago to live a better life at the time. She has told me many stories about Italy and I am really interested in going. She grew up with 11 siblings and most of them are in Italy now. Unfortunately I have never met them but I would love to go there just to meet them.

In Italy I would go to all the little towns and visit my family. I would also go cite seeing a lot and see many of the cool ancient Roman buildings. My aunt recently last summer had went to Italy and she took many group tours and told me all about them. She got to eat the real Italian food and also get to try many new things. I would also like to attend a church service there. I heard that you don't wear formal wear when you go to those churches. The dress wear for women is a long dress or skirt most the time and for men a nice shirt or one with a tie, this would be a different experience then the churches in our town today.

Seeing temples and all the cool ancient buildings is the main reason I want to go there. They have beautiful towers and cathedrals that I am eager to see. My stay in Italy would involve me staying in the top of the line hotels. Bed and breakfast and and nice suite for the room. Wonderful room service and a nice huge room with a jacques sounds like the perfect hotel. It would have to be clean and maybe have a beautiful cite out the window.

Over my lifetime so far I have tried so many different types of Italian food but im sure there is still more to try. I would be willing to try them. It is always int resting to try new foods and im sure i havent tried all of them yet. In Italy i would defiantly want to try there sauce, I heard it is the best. Now I am not old enough but when i am alittle older i would like to do the wine testing tour. They allow you to try all the different wines and show you how to make them , I think it would be cool.

Besides food, family, and beautiful buildings I would love to just sit back on the beach. I have heard the beaches in Italy are gorgeous, I would love to lay on the beach and watch the sunrise. The fact that you travel everywhere by boat is so intresting to me and I cannot wait to see the sights around Italy. If I had the chance to visit Italy I would spend most of my time sight seeings and taking a boat out into the beautiful ocean waters. Italy is defiantly a place i want to go to one day.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


It is never the best choice to do something wrong. In our society today there are many things adults and even young kids do wrong. Not being punished for doing something wrong no matter what if its time out for a child or jail for an adult there should be some punishment. A murderer should be killed himself. I believe if anyone has the heart to kill somebody no matter what the reason is they should be killed themselves. Death penitently is something rarely used today and I feel that it is necessary to be given to a murderer. Therefore murderer might not immediately get the death sentence but should spend all of the time before that in prison.

Over and over again crimes happen in our society. Getting sent to prison is something that I think works best for our society. Being in prison is not fun and the time spent in prison should give the person a chance to realize what they did wrong and make them learn from there mistakes. If the person doesn't realize there mistake then that's their own fault and will have to face more consequences. I could not imagine time in prison it looks like such an uncomfortable, creepy, and not so fun place. I do not understand how people could commit a crime knowing that they are going to go to prison or get taken away for it.

After a certain amount of crimes from one person I believe they should be in prison or jail for a lifetime. There are rules in every different society and they are not suppose to be broken. Under some circumstances I think it would be ok for them to come out at their sentenced time. Thief's should be in prison for a good amount of time. Stealing items or breaking into places should involve harsh consequences. Not only should they have to give back and pay for all the items and fines I think prison time needs to be required. If there was no prison time at all what would make them not steal again? I don't think everyone learns from prison but I believe if they don't learn something out of going then something is wrong with them or they just don't care.

In my world of justice my prison would be packed with so many criminals. I would make them do work outside, cook all meals, clean and serve there mates pretty much like prison's now a days. They would not have a lot if any time out of there cell and they would be put through torture. Prison is a punishment it is not suppose to be fun and they would not be aloud to have any fun time what so ever. If you do something wrong you have to pay the price and getting out easy is not the answer.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Deep Questions

Life is full of many wonders and a lot of the times I ask myself why. My main question as a human is why do we die and what is it going to be like when we die? I have learned that there is a heaven and hell and that obviously good people would go to heaven. However I do not get how everyone has a different view about death and it can be looked at in many different ways. We really do not know where we are going to go when we die. I also wonder what its going to be like when we die. Will we see the people we are friends with now and our family or will we meet all new people or will be just be a dead soul? I will never know. The thought of dieing scares me and I try not to think about it so much but unfortunatly it is a topic that does come up sometimes. It is intresting to hear about all the different views on the topic. Does everyone die because its there time or is it just meant to be. Why do people get in accidents and why is it the passenger that usually gets injured more or why are they the ones to die? Why do people kill themselves to die? Why do people kill other people murders or getting shot? How could they really do that to someone to take there life away? Is getting in trouble with the law for murder worth it to them? People dont think sometimes and when they attempt to kill somebody the consequences dont seem worth it so why do they do it? Why do we all live to die? When you die is there an afterlife? Do you come back and live in a different world or are you just like a rock sitting on the ground? Why do people decide to get buried in the ground rather then get cremated and not get eaten by bugs? Does everybody believe in ghosts? If your a ghost do you life a new life? There are so many things to open your mind up too on the topic of dieing. No one will ever be able to tell you for such what happens when you die but theres is always stories to be told.