Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anger Triggers

Everyone no matter how nice you are has an angry side to them. I try to be a very nice person but there are some things that make me angry. However when I am angry I believe I am good at contolling my anger. Sometimes little stupid things can make me angry. One thing that makes me angry is getting a bad grade on a test and not understanding what I am learning. Testing in high school can be difficult. Learning many new different things in several different classes can get very frustrtating at times too. Basic credits to go to college include everyone to take four different classes;English, HIstory, Science, and Math. Therefore learning all of these subjects have put many techniques, equations, facts and history in students brains. When taking tests and haveing to learn all new things every week makes it hard for some students to keep their grades up in everyclass. When I recieve a bad grade lower then a 75 I get very angry because I feel like I could of done better. Also being as it is my senior year it is a very busy year with college stuff working and maintaing my grades.
When people talk about me it makes me mad. It's not a nice thing espically when your friends do it. Yes everyone does it including myself but I have tried to learn from my mistakes by avoiding talking about people and hearing about it as much as possible. It stinks to hear about it espically from friends. When people that don't know you talk about you it usually means that they have nothing better to do.
Reckless drivers should stay off of the road. Driving is a right that many people get a chance to experience. When driving you are basically in control of a big, dangerous, expensive machine. When people take advantage of their ability behind the wheel it makes me very nervous and angry. It puts me in danger and most of the time when someone is carlessly driving they are the ones flipping you off because they are in a rush or just being reckless.
My job is also another thing that makes me angry. Obviously I have to contol my anger because I am a waitress and I can not talk back to the customers or be rude in anyway. It annoys me when they complain to me when something is wrong with their food espically because I do anything thing i can to satistfy them with something else like give them a refund or a different entree plus and be xtra nice about it. The thing that annoys me the most at my job is having to serve people everytime i work mean or nice.
I am pretty good at controlling my anger and I do not usually show it towards other people. However it has happened occassionally. I don't really have any strategies for people who are angry because I never really needed them. Im sure if your an uncontrolable angry person time to yourself to calm down could help out. Also trying to talk out or solve you problems with someone else before getting out of control. If people get angry often and have many sudden outburst maybe they are stressed out. Many things mae me angry each and everyday but I do the best I can control it. On the otherhand I guess we could call thoose people who can not control their anger beligerent.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friends In Number

Having a good friend is a way to appreciate life, to know that their is someone always there for you through the good times and the bad times. There will always be little fights and arguments with your good friends but eventually you forgive each other. To count on one good friend is better to have then a ton of friends you cant trust or depend on. A good friend should always be there for you when you need help or have a problem. People that aren't good friends are there to enjoy life and have a good time with you. Having a lot of friends is always nice but good friends should be in your life forever. Going places, laughing and having fun is what every friendship should have. As you get older your going to loose a lot of your friends but good friends you'll stay in touch with. People with a hundred friends don't seem unhappy, however it might accumulate problem's if certain people don't like each other in the group. People with good friends seem just as happy if no happier. Having a lot of friends is not a bad thing, it shows that you are a friendly and outgoing person. Picking and choosing your friends is important because you want to be able to trust your friends. A good friend should have the quality to always be there for you even i they might have difficulties or problems themselves at the time. I think people accumulate friends because friends are important to have. Accumulating friends shows that your a sociable person and like meeting new people which is always nice. People also accumulate more friends by going out to new place or going out a lot. Some people do it for more attention from others. Also because some people feel that the more friends they have are more important then what kind of friend they are. Usually your best times and good memories are with your good friends. I think people focus on one or two good friends because they have trust issues or are a bad friend themselves. Having a bunch of acquaintances is also nice but as they say keep your friends close but your enemies closer. I think the way i do about my friends because I've had many different friends since i was little and i am still friends with a few. That's how I know their good friends. They have always been there for me, we laugh together and have even went on many vacations together. The friends that I am not friends with anymore were not meant to be, it happens. Individuals with a smaller group of friends may be envied by those with a larger group of friends because having a trusted small group of close friends means more then having a large group of friends and acquaintances. Overall friendship is based on what you look for in a person. If you're a more sociable person a large group of friends might be better for you, where as if you are a more private person with large values in life most of the time you would be better off with a few good friends.